DEAR MAMA: Mother's Day Ain't So Happy For Everyone

If y'all didn't think I was going to start this off with the name of a Tupac song, y'all are crazy. No, but on a serious note, I'm here to talk about one thing.   Mama's and Mother's Day.  With Mother's Day being tomorrow, I can't think of a better topic.  I'm going to be completely honest, Mother's Day gives me mixed emotions, and I'm going to explain to you why, after I put out rave reviews about mine.

 To begin, I want to say that I am lucky.  I have the absolute best mom in this entire world.  It's funny how we all seem to think that, so I guess I will say she's definitely the best and most perfect mama for me.  As far as I can remember back, she has always done any and everything in her power to support me or help me out.  I think my siblings and I can all agree on this and there were four of us.  This day and age, with a group that size, everyone agreeing is pretty rare.  (Insert eye rolling emoji here) We didn't agree on much, but no one can argue that.  We didn't have a lot of money growing up, but there was never a time she didn't make us breakfast...ok it was usually cereal, make our lunch, and cook dinner for us every single night.  I am talking a sit down, full plate, of home-cookin', EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.  Although, I have to say I'm still upset with her for making me drink a glass of milk with it, it was AWESOME.  Nowadays I go out to eat about 85% of my meals and it's just not the same ....I don't cook at all, she definitely spoiled me in that area.  We always had THE BIGGEST Christmas, our entire living room would be filled with presents from her, and then Santa.  Now, when I think back, the fact that all of those gifts I thought were from "Santa" were actually from my parents amazes me!  How the heck did we afford that?  Back in the day, when I was supposed to get married (I'll get into this another day) we went wedding dress shopping together.  I found, what I thought then was the perfect dress, she spent every penny she had saved up to buy it for me.  There is nothing she wouldn't do for me, or any of us four kids.  She is THE most supportive person I know.  She shares EVERY single blog post I do, even if it's nothing she is interested in.  She's my number one fan.  Mother's Day is great getting to celebrate her and the other women in my life who I'm lucky enough to call family. 

Why do I have mixed emotions about Mother's Day, you ask?  I did just say it's great for me, but I probably should have said mostly great.   The main reason is that I have this heart, which I got from my mama, and it's a great big & sensitive one.   One that cries almost daily watching heartwarming viral videos and commercials.   I feel so deeply for things ,and for people, and it seems to either be a blessing or a curse, never in between.  I am mostly happy on Mother's Day because I have my mom here to celebrate.  I have all of my grandmas and even a great grandmother still here to celebrate.  For that I thank God.  This big heart of mine doesn't let me just think about myself though, I think about the people who have lost their mother, who as if they don't think about the loss of someone so precious enough, they have to be reminded of it every day for a month or two, with commercials, walking down card aisles, and advertisements about what you should get your mom for Mother's Day.  I can't even imagine going through that.  To whoever you are, my heart goes out.  Then there is that woman who may have had a miscarriage or lost their baby who has to be reminded about such a devastating time in their life.  Next the woman like myself, who would die to have a baby and be a mother.  I'm not going to go too much in detail about this, I will save that for a rainy day, but being almost thirty years old and being the minority in the having kids category is rather depressing.  Most of my friends are on their second or third child, and I'm still sitting here praying for my first one and an excuse to gain a few pounds.  I'm already reminded every day that I'm not a mom, I don't need another.   Then, there is the woman who may not have the best relationship with their mothers.  Maybe their mom wasn't around much, maybe their mom was abusive, or an alcoholic, or an addict who wasn't the best mother.  Whatever the case may be, I think we all need to take into consideration that Mother's Day isn't so happy for everyone.  

Anyone whose hearts hurt on and around Mother's Day, my heart goes out to you!  I encourage you all to reach out to someone who may have a hard time on Mother's Day this year.  It could mean more than you know. 

This one is obviously non Nashvile related, it's just me venting, but I appreciate you all reading!